Senin, 05 Mei 2014

The simple past tense

This page will present the simple past tense:
  • its form
  • and its use.
Before you continue the lesson read the following passage and try to see how the verbs are formed and used.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was an Austrian musician and composer. He lived from 1756 to 1791. He started composing at the age of five years old and wrote more than 600 pieces of music. He was only 35 years old when he died.
The verbs "was, lived,started, wrote, died" are in the simple past tense.
Notice that:
  • lived, started,died are regular past forms.
  • was, wrote are irregular past forms.

Regular verbs:

The verbs "lived, started, died" are regular past forms. The rule is the following:
Verb + ed
The infinitive The simple past
live lived
start started
die died
visit visited
play played
watch watched
phone phoned
marry married
For the spelling of the -ed forms click here.

Irregular verbs:

The verbs "was, wrote" are irregular past forms. "Was" is the simple past of "to be"; "wrote" is the simple past of "write".
More on the simple past of "to be" here.
There is no rule for these verbs. You should learn them by heart.
The infinitive The simple past
be was/were
write wrote
come came
do did
meet met
speak spoke
As you can see we can not predict the simple past forms of these verbs. They are irregular. You should learn them by heart. Here is a list of irregular verbs.

The forms of the simple past:

The Affirmative form of the simple past:

I, you, he, she, it, we, they played.
  • I played tennis with my friends yesterday.
  • I finished lunch and I did my homework.

The interrogative form of the simple past:

Did I, you, he, she, it, we, they Play?
  • Did you play basketball yesterday?
  • Did you watch television?
  • Did you do the homework?

The negative form of the simple past:

I, you, he, she, it, we, they did not/didn't play
  • I didn't like the food in the wedding last Saturday.
  • I didn't eat it.


didn't is the short form of did not. You can say either:
  • I did not play basketball, or
  • I didn't play basketball.

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